Low cost biogas digester design and lay out

I have always think of ways to recycle my kitchen wastes. Living in housing area with limited backyard space unable me to dig appropriate hole to bury all my kitchen waste without leaving smelly odor. I don't have any experience composting and food waste easily become smelly if you do not handle them properly. Then I came across anaerobic composting which is enclosed and used cow dung as starter. I feel this technique is practical and easy to construct. To make it interesting, I want to use a modified garbage bin and call it food waste recycle garbage bin just like when you throw your usual wastes into a dustbin but mine is a little bit different in which it can recycle organic wastes. That's how I came up with the idea.

Its not really difficult. Take a normal standard garbage bin at modified it a bit by installing inlet for feeding, outlet port for effluent and outlet valve for biogas to be collected into a tyre tube. Its that simple.

Then I built bigger module have an upgrade experience from my first biodigester as above. The new digester is 160 liter and connected to 500 liter biogas bag as storage. I also found how to modify a normal burner into a biogas burner.

Now I convinced that biogas generated at home really can be used for cooking.

Need Biogas Now?

How to make biogas at home manual by David William House is worth to try (Recommended)

The first edition of the book quickly established itself as the book on biogas generation. Now in a newly revised edition, David House brings together all the information, from the most theoretical scientific research to grass roots homescale trial and error.Here are the detailed designs for generators and the knowledge, encouragement, imagination, and humor you will need to build a generator of your own. While biogas may not yet be a household word, you should consider it seriously if you believe in the future of alternative energy.

Use biogas for illumination, cooking, water heating, refrigeration, space heating, and to fuel vehicles.

*Over 100 figures and tables
*All the necessary formulas
*6 model generators and a design flow chart
*Complete list of resources
*Extensive bibliography


What is inside? Table of contents of Complete Biogas Handbook is as below:

I: Overviews

1: This Book 2

2: Energy 5

3: Math 10

4: Biology 14
II: Parameters 23

5: The Airless World 24

6: TS, VS, FS 25

7: pH 26

8: Temperature 31

9: C/N 35

10: Percentage of H2O 46

11: HRT and Loading Rate 50

12: Agitation 52

13: Toxins 53

14: Pressure and Surface Area 56
III: Substrates 58

15: Purified Substances 59

16: Manure Substrates 65

17: Plant Substrates 73

18: On Growing Substrates 80
IV: Uses 85

19: Scrubbing 86

20: Combustion 94

21: Illumination 97

22: Burner Design 101

23: Cooking 103

24: Water Heating 104

25: Steam 110

26: Refrigeration 112

27: Engines 113

28: Space Heating 121

29: Gas Requirements 125
V: Troubleshooting 128

30: Cultures 129

31: Startup 131

32: Scum 133

33: Foaming 137

34: Sediment 138
VI: Design 139

35: Basic Generator Types 140

36: Heating Generators 143

37: Agitation 153

38: Gas Handling 157

39: Slurry and Effluent Handling 161

40: Pumping 163

41: Construction Materials 167

42: Sizing Generators 169

43: Safety 173

44: Economics 176

45: Design Process 181
VII: Plans 186

46: Pipes and Drums 187

47: Test Generator 197

48: Modular Batch Generator 200

49: Hybrid Generator 203

50: Home Wastes Generator 208

51: Continuous-Fed Fibrous Substrates Generator 211
VIII: Appendices 213

Appendix 1: Analysis 213

Appendix 2: Biohydrogen 217

Appendix 3: Agricultural Use of Effluent 219

Appendix 4: Math of Gas Production 223

Appendix 5: Specific Gravity 227

Appendix 6: Drill Statistics 228

Appendix 7: Burner Design 231

Appendix 8: Vital Statistics of Gases 233

Appendix 9: K and C Values 235

Appendix 10: Steam Temperature, Pressure, Water Depth 237

Appendix 11: Heat Transfer in Pipes 238

Appendix 12: Decimals and Fractions 241

Appendix 13: Geometry, Trig 243

Appendix 14: Metric Conversion 245

Appendix 15: A Simple Method for Temperature Conversion        248

Appendix 16: Terms 249

Appendix 17: The Answers 253

Appendix 18: Bibliography 259

Appendix 19: Author’s Afterword 270

Appendix 20: Contents, Figures, and Tables 272

Appendix 21: Index and Authors 283

To get more info in depth about homemade biogas digester please read the manual below where you can get from Amazon.com.

The uses and equivalent of biogas

1 cubic meter of biogas is equal to:

Illumination equaling that of a 60-100 watt bulb for 6 hours.
5.2 kg of CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride)
0.7 kg petrol
can run a 1 horse-power motor for 2 hours
can generate 1.25 k electricity
can drive a 3-tonne lorry 2.8 km
can cook 3 meals for a family of 5-6

ARTI Style Methane Generator System

It really is just two plastic barrels, one inverted inside the other, with three pipes -- one to get the food in, one to take the liquid fertilizer out and one at the top to deliver the gas to your cookstove or generator. 1000 liter tanks should get you about 2 hours of cooking gas a day if you live in a warm climate.

Cows eat food, not manure, and the bacteria in the cows stomach and intestines also eat that food, mixed with saliva and water. The goal is to replicate the inside of a cow's digestive tract to help the bacteria get the most energy from the food.

We only use the dung/manure to"innoculate" the system on the first day because it is the easiest non-invasive way of getting the "bacterial biogas experts" out of the animals' guts and into the tank.

In many respects making biogas is similar to making yoghurt. If you have a friend who has an active culture of methanogens from their own biogas digester (or from a septic tank, or from their baby's diaper just put them in. If you don't use manure, however, I'm not sure what or how much to feed them in the beginning.

Start up:

  1. The process working with mesophils from animal dung, however, is started very simply by taking about 40 or 50 kg (maybe 4 to 6 10 or 15 liter buckets) of manure (we used horse manure in Germany, cow manure in Egypt, but any manure will do) and mix it into the bottom container with water (this is per 200 liters of water but we just go ahead and fill the whole thing even up to a 1000 liters of water; it may make the wait time for first flammable gas a bit longer as it takes the bacteria time to reproduce and fill that volume, but it worked fine for us as we didn't want to haul in more manure.). Then put the top barrel on and open the top valve so all the air escapes and the top barrel sinks down into the bottom barrel all the way.
  2.  You then close the valve at the top so no air can get in and just let it sit there for anywhere from 2 weeks to a month (depending on climate). During this boring period the bacteria will multiply. At first they will just produce CO2. After a few weeks open the valve and flame test with a candle (we didn't use a flashback arrestor! Doh! :) ) . The first couple of times the escaping gas will blow out the candle. Eventually, after a few days, the methane content will exceed 50%.
  3. Once the gas starts to burn you can start feeding your digester ground up food waste (mixed in a blender with water, about 1 to 2 Kg a day, but start slowly so as not to overwhelm the bacteria; start with 200 grams then 400 the next day etc.). Soon the CH4 content at the top of the tank will exceed 60% (since CO2 is water soluble it can get up to 70%) and can be directly used in cook stoves and engines. Hope that helps explain it. It works well and is fairly simple you'll find. Give it a try !

Remember you only have to put the manure in THE VERY FIRST DAY. After this no more manure is needed.

The current process of biomethanation, which uses feedstocks like cattle dung, human feces, distillery effluents etc. is highly inefficient, because the nutritionally available calories and nutritive value of those substances is quite low. 

ARTI developed in 2003 a new biogas technology which uses high calorie feedstock, consisting of starchy or sugary material. This material is capable of producing about 250 kg of methane per ton of feedstock (on a dry weight basis) and the reaction takes only 1 day to complete. In the case of a household biogas system, application of daily just 1 kg of feedstock is enough to provide a family with sufficient biogas to cook all the meals. The material that can be used as feedstock in the new biogas system consists of waste grain, seed of any plant species, oilcake of non-edible oilseeds as well as nonmarketable or nonedible fruits (wild species of ficus, overripe mango and banana). Even the flour mill can be used as feedstock.

Read full story here: http://solarcities.blogspot.com/2009/09/animation-of-simple-telescoping-biogas.html

Biogas fuel without end

Biodigester in a glasshouse to maintain the temperature.

The glasshouse temperature reach 20 degree celcius.

Biogas is safe(?)

Blue flame from methane biodigester.